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29 Mar 2021

Recto Verso Elite

Recto Verso Elite


Compression is often used as a vague claim to market and sell sportswear products. But what is ”Real” compression and what effect does it have on an athlete’s performance and recovery? Introducing: RVE-ELITE, a brand that has the answers.

Two years after successfully launching their athleisure wear brand RectoVerso, Liebaert Textiles from Deinze is back with another revolutionizing brand: RV-ELITE.

Focusing on high-end compression leggings and shorts, the brand is based on over a century of expertise in elastic compression fabrics and 5 years of re- search at the Sports & Science institute of Ghent University.

THE RESEARCH was conducted by Prof. Dr. Jan Boone at the Sports & Science Laboratory Jacques Rogge of the Ghent University which is ranked as one of the top 10 sports & science universities in the world. The research was primarily focused on runners and five different compression conditions were tested during which both subjective and physiological parameters were registered.


THE RESULTS showed that the RVE tech- nology has significant impact on enhanc- ing performance and improving recovery. More specifically following results were obtained:

  • Increase in VO2 MAX* by 5%
  • Decrease in Rate of Perceived Exertion**
  • Decrease in CK values*** by 20%
  • Decrease in DOMS****

THE PRODUCT’s revolutionary character is attained through the combination of the unique Weftlock Fabric, the target- ted compression design, and a pattented compression profile.


Refers to the standard sizing products (XS-XL). After going through the compres- sion profile analysis athletes will know which size will offer them a compression rate that is as close as possible to the sig- nature RVE compression profile. Custom- ers can also buy these products online and figure out their ideal size through a measuring tutorial.



The full custom product is the real deal. The RVE team will customise the pattern of the product to the exact measurements of the athlete in order to provide them with the exact RVE compression profile that has proven to enhance the performance and recovery.

Legging, 235 EUR;   short, 165 EUR.

legging-rv-elite rv-elite-op maat

One-time pattern fee, 100 EUR; FC-Legging, 355 EUR; FC-short, 255 EUR.

[email protected]

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